Ze vertrouwden ons! Ontdek de 302 andere positieve reacties van onze klanten in ons gastenboek
Thibaut Mariani
Une agréable surprise, des délais plus que satisfaisants et une équipe au top. Je recommande pour toutes vos recherches 👍🏻
Dorothy Meredith
The sale of our house was handled by Léontine, who did a perfect job, working from start to finish with great energy to secure the sale. My wife and I were very impressed with the way she handled the problems which arose from time to time, particularly those caused by the diagnostic requirements. Her philosophy was that there are no insurmountable problems, only solutions! We can strongly recommend the services of Immobilier Valadie.
Dorothy and Brian Meredith
Par Akesson
Some years ago I bought a property, a town house, from Rose that she now has sold. This was my first real estate investment that I made in France and I got all the help and assistance in the legal aspects. Not once was there any doubt in the somewhat complicated process of buying a real estate in France. I have total confidence in her. On top of that I got assistance in numerous other practical mattes, as well, that didn't have to do with the purchase or sell of the house. Rose did walk the extra mile in every aspect. There is a lot of talk and promises in the real estate business and Rose is the only person that I have met that really delivers on what she says. Rose has a very professional and at the same time personal touch to the contacts you will have and I can assure you she will do her outmost of every situation, whether that is buying or selling. I will be happy to business with you again. Bravo, Rose!
Mathilde Laborde
pour y avoir travaillé , très bonne expérience et une équipe sympathique et professionnelle
christelle Dufour
Propriété de nos rêves trouvée en un temps record grâce a l'investissement de l'agent immobilier Camille Laborde!! On en rêvé, Camille de Valadié immobilier l'as fait!!!Merci pour tout!
Stéphanie Perceau
Un grand merci à Sébastien et Julie pour professionnalisme et leur efficacité. Sébastien a vendu mon bien en une semaine !!! Suivi du dossier du début à la fin jusque chez le notaire . Une aide précieuse. Très à l'écoute.
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